
Certus3 partners with organisations in the management of large-scale and complex transformation programs, applying unique project insights that ensure success.

We’ve turned around many ‘at-risk’ programs for some of Australia’s largest organisations; forging a niche for ourselves in the crowded program management marketplace.

With more than 50 years of combined experience in diagnosing and reforming troubled projects, our team have become widely regarded as experts in preventing the ‘green, green red scenario’ faced by senior leaders responsible for large-scale programs.

Our history

From 2007 Certus3 has helped many organisations manage large-scale multi-year programs of work.

These programs involve fundamental and wide-reaching organisational and market changes, where the success and failure stakes are very high.

With more than two decades spent witnessing unsuccessful methods and patterns of program management, Certus3’s core team came together to establish a company whose approach avoids the pitfalls of unsuccessful program management. Together the team provides the focus, diagnostic insights, management and monitoring capability to assist organisations in successfully completing large-scale complex programs or work.

Our unique approach

The approach we apply to programs is largely built on understanding ‘what not to do’ – insights gained from our substantial experience in recovering troubled and ‘at-risk’ programs across a variety of industries.

After many years spent researching ways to identify, isolate and measure patterns of behaviour displayed within program teams, we understand what behaviours define success and failure. In other words we know what can ‘make or break’ a program of work, and have used this understanding to create AssuranceAmp. 

Critical program success factors

Uncertainty management expertise

The biggest contributor to program failure is the inability to identify and appropriately manage uncertainty. Recognising this gap, Certus3 has developed a process for diagnosing and overcoming the three levels of ‘uncertainty’- Forseen, Unforseen and Chaos. 

Access to ‘true and accurate’ information and insights

All too often Executive Teams don’t have a clear enough picture of what’s ‘truly’ going on within a program, precluding them from making the right decisions for success. Executive teams require the following to lead effectively:

  • Unbiased and accurate program status reporting
  • Early warning of trouble spots within a program, usually present at least three months before they become visible in traditional reporting

AssuranceAmp supports the delivery of accurate program insights.

Capability and business outcomes alignment

All large transformations involve a combination of groups – the business, suppliers and a project team, all brought together to achieve a set of critical business outcomes in a constrained timeframe against the backdrop of ever-changing market forces. Certus3 ensures that the right capability is in place and aligned to business outcomes.

We align capabilities with business outcomes.