Delivering a program organisational structure based on the alignment of desired business outcomes and key capabilities within the business and within the program team.

This technique brings together four key concepts, which when adhered to ensure that the program’s efforts align and deliver desired business outcomes:

Optimal Program Organisational Structure

Underpinned by the selection of the best person for the job and the establishment of a clear reporting line to a single manager for each team member.

Overlapping of deliverables between streams is prevented by the adherence to a transparent process and forums for issues and risks’ resolution, and clear and consistent status reporting, in which all stakeholders, including business representatives are included.

Integrated Planning

A solid understanding of the program’s scope, is the foundation of Certus3’s alignment technique, supported by the employment of set planning standards and templates for the creation of deliverables and tools. A full list of deliverables is established and the responsibility for deliverables is clear.

Program Status Reporting and Governance

Status reporting is both transparent and simple and reflects progress and traction on a standard set of critical success factors, which are applied throughout the program lifecycle.

Ongoing Monitoring of Program Performance

Certus3 has developed a suite of tools, each designed to provide a view of the programs’s overall status from both a traditional scope and solution perspective and a more people-focused behavioural one.  These tools are best used periodically throughout the program’s lifecycle to predict and forward manage risks before they become issues.

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